
Why Adopt A Wireless Standard In The M2m Industry

A lack of standardisation obstructs the development of the M2M market and by using multiple standards this means devices cannot communicate. Standardisation is important for the M2M industry to be truly efficient and integrated. Technology in the M2M sector is moving on and any standard needs to be flexible enough to move with technological changes.Many agree that a wireless standard will benefit the M2M industry greatly and should be adopted by all in order to save energy and reduce emissions. “ICT is widely known as one of the key industries that develops at a fast rate, is pervasive and has a broad range of applications. Standards serve as the foundation and forerunner for the development of the industry, and play a very important Cloth Trend role in encouraging competition, spurring innovation, promoting high quality products and supporting public policy objectives.” (Mr. Guoha Xi, Vice Minister of MIIT)“Smart devices, smart grids, smart motors and a myriad of other "smart" technological advances will be unable to "talk" to one another, resulting in chaotic communications structures –unless standards are developed to enable, monitor, and ensure interoperable interfaces to the network.” (TIA, USA)“Since IOT (Internet of Things) is envisioned as the future of Internet and Ubiquitous Computing that is going to change the way people lead their everyday life and since it is primarily based on the concept of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, it is imperative that exhaustive standardization should be in place for its wide scale deployment.”(GISFI,India)"It does not seem reasonable to me that a thermometer behave differently depending on whether it is installed in a car, a truck, a home or a factory, or that a single room may contain a motion detector to control the lights, another to control the heating and ventilation, and yet another as part of an intruder detection application.“ (Peter Nurse, Sigma Delta Communications, Inc.)There is a large RC Animals Wholesale community dedicated to promoting a progressive wireless standard in the M2M industry. As the technology develops, the standard will be able to develop and improve along with it. This wireless standard is green and promotes a low power solution to conserve energy. Wedding Apparel For Pretty Gril It will be an ‘open standard’ and allow people to develop their own solutions with no restrictions to a single result. This also provides the industry with flexibility to innovate, control costs and create new opportunities in the M2M industry.

